Reverse Complement (RC-PCR) based MPS library prep solution for analysis of very low quantities of (highly degraded) nuclear DNA that does not provide a full STR profile. The Full Genome capability provides greater yields from small samples, and offers more critical information relative to identifying missing person or disaster victims.
RC-PCR provides multiplex targeted amplification, sequencing indexing and adaptor addition occuring simultaneously in a single closed tube reaction.
All amplicons are designed to meet the shortest possible fragment lengths and are compatible with illumina® MiSeq™ systems, with 2x 10 bp Unique Dual Index reads.
IDseek® Kits have been tested with Tannic Acid and Humic Acid. RC-PCR technology allows the reliable analysis of highly degraded samples frequently found in forensic casework.
Sequence-ready libraries
IDseek® comprises a complete solution of reagents and consumables required for generating sequence-ready MPS libraries for Forensic applications: from indexing to amplification, magnetic library clean-up and size selection.