D-Pure™ Dye Terminator Cleanup efficiently removes unincorporated dye terminators and salt-ions from extension products cycle sequenced with BrilliantDye™ and BigDye™ chemistries. Magnetic clean-up is completed directly on the cycle sequencing plate and can be processed both manually and automated. D-Pure™ is conveniently available in 5 mL, 50 mL and 500 mL format.
D-Pure™ DyeTerminator Cleanup kits are widely adopted as proven, high-quality reagents for laboratories using 310, 3100, 3130, 3500, 3730 Series Genetic Analyzers and SeqStudio™, and are compatible with BigDye™ and BrilliantDye™ Cycle Sequencing (v1.1 and v3.1) Kits. Purified dye-labeled extension products can be loaded directly on the Genetic Analyzers without the need for resuspension. D-Pure™ DyeTerminator Cleanup can be used in conjunction with Alpaqua® magnet plates, e.g. the 96R Ring Magnet Plate.
Premium features
D-Pure™ purified sequencing reactions result in clean chromatograms, very high signal-to-noise (S/N) ratios, high quality scores and long read lengths, with 100% removal of any DyeTerminator blobs.
D-Pure™ does not involve any centrifugation or filtration steps, allowing for easy manual processing, and full automation using liquid handlers.
Effective removal of cycle sequencing reaction contaminants
Straightforward protocol
Ideal for high-throughput applications
Value for money