Serum-free cryopreservation media for ES and iPS cells
Optimal for the cryopreservation of primate ES and iPS cells
Made with human serum albumin – No other animal components
Enables long term cell storage at -80°C or -196°C
Improved cell recovery and viability after thawing
Ready-to-use freezing media – no programmed or sequential freezing required
Serum-free – no risk of contamination
GMP manufactured
Long shelf life
A new hope for the cryopreservation of ES and iPS cells
Primate embryonic stem cells and induced-pluripotent stem cells are extremely sensitive to cryopreservation which presents many difficulties when compared to murine or other cells. At present, the vitrification method is considered adequate for primate ES/iPS cells although the slow-freezing method using DMSO has been popular for a wide variety of cell lines. Vitrification is the rapid cooling of the freezing media to a glass-like crystalline state. The vitrification method requires impeccable timing, a high level of skill, and still can yield poor results. In addition, this method shows sensitivity to dry ice transportation. To address these problems, the new freezing medium BambankerTM HRM has been developed.