Master the extreme with our outstanding, most comprehensive treatment range and training. Treat the most challenging cases. Transform more patients’ lives.
Take your skills in the All-on-4® treatment concept to the next level
NobelPro Line addresses the most challenging cases with the All-on-4® treatment concept. Join the global community of NobelPro Line™ qualified professionals.
Expand your treatment options in moderate to severe bone resorption; choose from our extensive range of product options from NobelParallel CC and NobelSpeedy to NobelZygoma implants, NobelProcera implant bridges, bars and a full range of Multi-unit Abutments.
Expand your abilities in edentulous cases through training individually tailored for your professional needs. Through our three-stage program, gain confidence, support and skills to become prepared for your first complex cases.
Achieve high primary stability, even in soft bone
With its slightly tapered body, NobelSpeedy is designed to maximize primary stability and support immediate loading protocols. The sharp apex cuts through grafted or locally dense bone and allows for underpreparation and bicortical anchorage.
With its slightly tapered body, NobelSpeedy is designed to maximize primary stability and support immediate loading protocols. The sharp apex cuts through grafted or locally dense bone and allows for underpreparation and bicortical anchorage.
Complete range of implant diameters and lengths, including narrow diameter and short implants, for all bone types and loading protocols.
External hex connection offers short crown-to-first-thread with 6 to 12 abutment positions (depending on the abutment).