Synchronous video recordings from up to eight different video and audio sources at a time.
Why use it?
Accurate synchronization of up to eight cameras.
Record videos with or without sound.
Robust software tool for precise and flexible recording.
Playback of videos available via Windows Media Player.
Record from a wide variety of cameras incl. analog, GigE, USB, and IP cameras.
Compatible with Windows 7 and 10, 64 bit.
How does it work?
MediaRecorder allows for the synchronous video recordings from up to eight different video and audio sources at a time. Compatible with EthoVision XT, The Observer XT, and a broad range of cameras, it is the ideal tool to have at the core of your lab. You can switch between different cameras and control them with your mouse or joystick, and use functionality such as Picture in Picture (PiP).
Who uses it?
MediaRecorder is ideal for researchers that study animals at different locations (laboratories, stables, in the zoo) or from different angles, and that want to combine these recordings into one video file and with EthoVision XT or The Observer XT projects. MediaRecorder has been validated in husbandry and welfare studies, domestic pets studies, and several neuroscience applications.