The NT-40 is a compact and digital scale uroflow meter designed for analyzing all types of flow studies. NT-40 is a computer based system, which runs under latest versions of Windows, and its connection interface can also plug in the PC by RS-232 or USB port. it is connected to PC with wiring connection and with Bluetooth connection. The flow study begins when the patient starts voiding. The time and volume ratios are adjustable.
NT-40 is unique with its editable T total specification, in which the user can see the T total point from any selected point in the chart. Through Print preview the user can add a proper header i.e hospital or clinic name and specific logo before printing from any printer on A4 format. Siroky Nomogram wihich is used to diagnose normal or obstructed flow can also be printed.
System Features
Real time graphin ends automatically after voiding
Siroky Nomogram
User’s comments
Sensitive load cell
Self calibration
Printable A4 format output
Multiuse urine container and funnel
Multi-language support
Adjustable flow stand