A simple, easy to use small autostainer system for rapid immunohistochemistry (IHC) testing. This flexible system can perform frozen tissue, H&E, and FFPE tissue testing. This system, along with its accompanying DewaxAR antigen retrieval device help Q-STAIN X fit neatly into nearly any histology laboratory setting.
The flexible Q-STAIN X autostainer is simple to use with a capacity of 10 ihcPrime reagents and 10 patient slides. A set of 10 H&E tests can be completed in 6 minutes, a set 10 FFPE tests can be completed in 50 minutes, while IHC frozen tissue sections can be tested in less than 20 minutes.
System Overview:
Rapidly processes 5 frozen tissue IHC tests in approximately 20 minutes
Space for 10 antibody/ancillary reagents (DAB) and 10 tissue slides
Small size requires only ~1.5 square feet or ~0.2 sqM (meters) of bench space.
Instantly adaptable between H&E, frozen tissue and FFPE tissue section testing
More Unique System Features
Q-STAIN X is a novel autostainer concept that can fit into nearly any histology laboratory. Whether the system is being utilized as the primary histology instrument for a small laboratory such as a doctor’s office or as a specialty instrument or backup to a larger mainline stainer, Q-STAIN can be a great new addition to any lab.
Random access matching of antibodies to slides permits at least 5 different antibodies to be matched to individual slide positions in any order.
Rapid frozen tissue mode means that tests required for surgical pathology or other immediate use will not languish on a traditional autostainer system that can require hours of time to complete.