Nitric oxide (NO) is a gaseous vasodilator used primarily to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension, delivered to the patient in a mixture with medicinal oxygen. NOXtec 1000 delivers a dose that remains stable throughout the therapy, having an automatic cylinder exchange system.
NOXtec 1000 automatically calculates the dose flow necessary to reach the desired PPM concentration, thanks to the disposable respiratory flow sensor that is installed in the patient's breathing circuit. Alternatively, the dose rate can be set manually.
By continuously sampling the flow of the NO-O2 mixture delivered to the patient, the NOXtec 1000 is able to monitor the concentration of nitric oxide that the patient is receiving and whether it is within predetermined threshold values.
NOXtec 1000 is able also to monitor the trace amount of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in the mix, a highly toxic gas that can compromise patient safety during the application of the therapy, so that a predetermined threshold value is not exceeded.
NOXtec 1000 is able to calibrate automatically the NO, NO2 and O2 sensors, even when the device is dosing, leading to a significative reduction in management costs (standard devices on the market needs manual calibration).
Noxtec 1000 integrates unique security features:
Emergency manual dosing even when the device is off!
Automatic venting
at the beginning of the treatment and during the cylinder exchange, to minimize the NO2 supplied to the patient