Folding power wheelchair for indoor use. Suitable for people with reduced mobility can handle items of electronic guide to move with more autonomy and independence. Available in three colors and different sizes. The multi-setting systems, supplied with it, and the wide range of additional accessories allow you to adapt better to the body of the patient, always ensuring a comfortable seat and secure stability
Base features
Backrest adjustable in height;
Removable armrests and armrest borders, adjustable in width and height;
Removable footrests.
maximum slope 6%
short ramps 15%
automomy 5h continue march
175W Motor
electromagnetic brake
speed regulator
2 batteries of 12V - 33A
front Ø 200x45 - 8"x2"
rear Ø 300.7 pneumatic - 12 1/2"x 2 1/4"
ISO classification
RDM 858874