Fully Integrated Fast Post-Processing
Denoising and B0/B1 correction performed in few seconds
Different APTw maps available
APTw maps can be computed in different offset ranges with/without fluid suppression
Advanced Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) MRI Post-Processing Plug-in for Amide Proton Transfer Weighted Data
Co-registration with anatomical sequence and ROI/VOI drawing
Automatically coregister computed maps with structural ones to extract precise key findings from VOI or ROI areas
Different palettes and windowing available for the APTw maps
Adaptative map display for a customized analysis and highlight of potential abnormal areas
Additional maps available
Large panel of computed maps to provide different parameters to track and analysis
Key Features Overview
B0 map computation (with WASAB1 or Z-Spectra or external map)
rB1 map computation (with WASAB1)
B0 correction
B1 correction
Spatial denoising
Fluid suppression
APTw computation at different offset ranges
Co-registration with structural map
PCA denoising (next version)
Motion correction (next version)