Mercedes V-Class VANITY SLIDE ON SIDE represents Olmedo's answer to the many private and professional requests aimed at optimizing the use of the luggage compartment on your vehicle. This set-up is characterized by a minimally invasive, light and practical single-arm platform, which optimizes the interior spaces thanks to an essential structure developed specifically for vehicles in this segment.
The electro-hydraulic platform is presented with an innovative ultra-low rotation system that does not affect the dimensions of the VANITY single-arm lift in the slightest. A practical mechanical release system allows the rotation of the system stored inside the vehicle outwards, favoring accessibility to the luggage compartment in the absence of the disabled person and avoiding the opening of the platform to reach material inside the vehicle. The ordinary capacity of 250 Kg can be expanded to 300 Kg, in the MAXI version.
The opening system also favors the anchoring of the wheelchair, avoiding acting on the tracks of the platform with the lift open: greater safety in case of evacuation from the vehicle also thanks to the "easy pull to release" opening system.
VANITY SLIDE ON SIDE on Mercedes V-Class guarantees good vehicle versatility. The approval provides for a maximum of 3 wheelchairs by disassembling all the saddlery in the passenger compartment and a number of occupants to sit depending on the configuration of the original vehicle (6, 8 or 9 passengers).