Isolate DNA from whole blood, tissue, saliva, buccal swabs, cultured cells, and mouse tail snips using magnetic beads
The Mag-Bind® Blood & Tissue DNA HDQ 96 Kit is designed for isolation of high-quality genomic DNA from blood samples, saliva, swabs, mouse tails, dried blood spots or cultured cells. Mag-Bind® Particles HDQ provides quick magnetic response time reducing overall processing time. This system combines the reversible nucleic acid-binding properties of Mag-Bind® paramagnetic particles with Omega Bio-tek’s tissue and blood DNA isolation systems. Utilizing paramagnetic particles provides high-quality DNA that is suitable for direct use in most downstream applications such as Next Generation Sequencing, qPCR, PCR, and microarrays. The Mag-Bind Blood & Tissue DNA HDQ 96 Kit can be scaled up to process 1 mL whole blood samples.
For larger volumes, the Mag-Bind® Blood DNA HV Kit can be used.
Safe – No organic solvents
Compatible with DNA Genotek’s preservation system
Compatible with Mawi iSWAB DNA preservation system
High quality – Pure DNA suitable for downstream applications such as Next Generation Sequencing, qPCR, PCR, and microarrays
Protocols are available for the following automated platforms:
Hamilton Microlab® STAR
Hamilton Microlab® NIMBUS
KingFisher™, BioSprint®, and MagMAX® 96
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Starting Amount 100-250 μL blood samples, saliva, swabs, mouse tails, dried blood spots or 5 x 106 cultured cells.
Elution Volume 50-200 µL
Processing Mode Automated, Manual