Isolate DNA from up to 10 mL blood using magnetic beads
The Mag-Bind® Blood DNA HV kit is designed for rapid and reliable isolation of high-quality genomic DNA from up to 10 mL whole blood and saliva. The protocol has been successfully automated on the Hamilton Microlab® STAR™ and 24 samples can be processed in less than 2.5 hours. The system combines the reversible nucleic acid-binding properties of Mag-Bind® paramagnetic particles with the time-proved efficiency of Omega Bio-tek’s DNA isolation system to provide a fast and convenient method to isolate DNA from a variety of samples. The Mag-Bind® particles provide fast response time when applied to a magnetic field allowing for quick separation from high volumes of liquid.
Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Starting Amount Up to 10 mL
Starting Material Whole blood and saliva
Yield 300 µg
Elution Volume 1-2 mL
Processing Mode Automated, Manual
Throughput 24
Note CH beads