The Sedakit™ is the neXt generation medical device to carry effective Digital Sedation™ therapeutic sessions to reduce patient’s pain and anxiety before, during and after medical procedures with no medication.
Safe and effective medical device
Easy session’s parametrization through the Oncomfort Manager app based on patients and procedure specifications - age, anesthesia type, procedure duration
IEC 60601-1-2 standards and ISO medical standards compliant
HAS, JCI and NIAZ compliant medical protocols (Haute Autorité de Santé, Joint Commission International, NIAZ-Qmentum : Nederlands Instituut voor Accreditatie Ziekenhuizen)
Real-time session control
VR headset remotely controlled by the Oncomfort Manager application installed on smartphone or tablet type controller.
Remote video monitoring of the session progression - expired time, total remaining time, induction phase duration, awakening phase.
A fully adapted session with real-time adjustments throughout the procedure - duration change, end of session, awakening phase, image calibration.
Unique patient focus
Great proximity to the patient at all times of the session to smoothly communicate or to give instructions through the vocal command available on smartphone and tablet
8 clinically proven therapeutic modules adapted to clinical indication - from 2 to 120 min. interventions - anestesia type and patient characteristics, available in 13 languages for both children and adults.
200+ Therapeutic sessions covering all sedation levels, from light to deep
Controller : smartphone
Optimal portability from a room to another
Flexible dynamic environment