Mammi is a dedicated breast PET with unprecedented clinical resolution able to visualize tumors down to 2 mm, which is essential for early breast cancer detection.
Its imaging technology can identify small lesions with more accuracy than other conventional techniques.
Mammi provides an extraordinary definition and characterization of lesions, active areas of heterogeneous tumors and tumor limits. Ideal to be more specific in the treatments, planning surgeries with accuracy and monitoring the response during neoadjuvant treatments.
The natural prone position, with no breast compression, together with a ring configuration, provides optimum patient comfort, enhances sensitivity and detection of difficult lesions.
Early detection and accurate diagnosis.
Early response monitoring of neoadjuvant therapy.
Tumor characterization (malignant, benign or doubtful lesions).
Greater benefits at lower doses than WBPET/CT.
Patient friendly and ease to use.
Early detection.
Mammi allows the visualization of tumors down to 2 mm, which is essential for early breast cancer detection and metabolic activity visualization of breast lesions.
Mammi has the ability to detect early lesions with more accuracy than other conventional methods.
Follow up.
Clear characterization of the lesion, provides the ability to be more treatment specific. Ideal for surgical planning and response monitoring during neoadjuvant treatments.