Move from infrequent and often indirect measurements of the bacteria/algae/yeast in your experiment or bioprocess reactor to 24/7 tracking at high resolution with minimal efforts. With our add-ons you can automate in situ sampling, sample processing, and measurement completely. Thanks to our modular design, you can measure multiple replicates or different setups in parallel. The richness in microbial data allows for integration with abiotic on-line measurements and aid modeling of observations.
Moreover, you can use our add-ons to automate various actions to run your experiment or processing. Thanks to the ability to pipette, mix, dilute, and incubate, our device can both help dynamically running an experiment and measure its development. Possibilities include: changing pH, adding nutrients, introducing stressors. Furthermore, you can take sub-samples and treat those separately in up to nine temperature-controlled reaction chambers before measuring them with the flow cytometer. Alternatively you can introduce them to a separate analysis pipeline and/or store them for later analysis.
The detection of short-term dynamics and their importance in different systems has advanced strongly in recent years. With our industry-leading knowledge we can assist you with questions/problems emerging around this topic. Both in existing systems and when planning new systems, taking these dynamics into account can help to reduce and avoid related problems of hygienic, aesthetic, and operational nature. Our consulting is an easy entry into the world of short-term microbial dynamics and can be extended into customer projects or equipment provision if needed.