19”, 22"& 24” Self-Powered Medical Cart Computer for 24/7 usage
- Hot Swappable Batteries to ensure 24/7 Constant Power,
various battery capacties available
- RTS (19”) & PCAP TS (22”& 24”) Optional
- Resolution 1280* 1024 (19”) & Full HD (22”&24”)
- Intel® Skylake Dual-Core i5/i7 CPU’s
- USB & RS232 ports
- WiFi & BT (802.11 ac/a/b/g/n + BT (optional))
- Giabit LAN 1 or 2 ports
- Reading Lights, Touch on/off for easy cleaning w/o power the system off
- Remote Manageable (ORION Software) by Central iT Departments
- Battery Management System (Orion Software)
- Disinfectable with most commonly used Hospital Solvents like clorox
- 60601 Certified
Remote Manageable (ORION Software) by Central iT Departments. Hot Swappable Battery Technology.