PCCS Pro is the closest you can get to treating injuries in remote, high-stress locations without actually being there.
Meets all 13 PCCC guidelines for casualty management
Fully modular – interchangeable limbs and wounds
Greater fidelity and advanced physiology
100% anatomically correct (female and male models)
10 hours + battery life
More complex training scenarios
Ruggedized for indoor and outdoor environments
African-American, Asian, Caucasian and Hispanic Skin Tones
The PCCS Pro from Operative Experience is a revolutionary, fully modular trauma care simulator featuring groundbreaking, on-the-fly interchangeable wounds from a polytrauma patient to a medical patient, and featuring advanced physiology and conditions, drug support, fully-integrated patient monitoring, and all-new software capabilities and scenarios.
With PCCS Pro’s interchangeable wound capability, each simulator can be quickly and easily modified to support a uniquely diverse range of emergency scenarios and training possibilities.
Choose from up to six standard ultra-realistic wound configurations, including gunshot wounds, amputations, open and closed fractures, and inguinal wounds featuring multiple and independent pulsatile arterial bleeding and venous bleeding
Each simulator is available in a choice of African American, Asian, Caucasian, and Hispanic skin tones.