Closed-cell design with high radial force
For the preservation of vital vessels
Vascular stent system with long-term clinical experience
The sinus-XL is a self-expanding big lumen stent for the treatment of the central venous and arterial segments. A vascular stent system of the sinus-XL family, it is approved for both, the aorta and the vena cava. It is suitable for the treatment of vena cava syndrome, which can be caused by tumors. Furthermore, it is used for the treatment of lesions, e.g. stenoses, in the straight sections of the abdominal aorta and thoracic aorta.
The operator has the widest choice of closed-cell stent diameters and stent lengths available - namely large stent diameter from 16 to 36mm, covering even rare vessel diameters..
Closed-cell stent for the treatment of:
Aortic stenoses and dissections
Obstructions of the vena cava
Vena cava syndrome
Largest selection of closed-cell stent diameters and lengths on the market
For the treatment of typical aortic lesions. Also suitable for more complex vascular anatomies.
A stent for the central vascular system
Greater choice of treatment options, for both arterial and venous indications.
Closed-cell design
For high radial force¹. To restore blood flow, even in highly graded lesions. Primary patency rate after 12 months: 87.7% (vena cava)²