Our Fibrolux LED HP light source adapts to any medical equipment that uses fiber optic cable as endoscopes or headlights, and is the one used in OPTOMIC’s microscopes and colposcopes.
Two lighting methods and two filters to be chosen by the specialist:
The white light mode faithfully presents the colors of the sample.
Warm light mode provides the best visibility for long-term interventions.
The green filter turns red into black and the amber filter removes UV light.
Over 60.000 hours
LIGHT POWER 10.000 Klux
COLOUR TEMPERATURES White (6.000ºK) and warm (4.750ºK)
Green or amber (depending on specialty)
VENTILATION SYSTEM Double and with automatic speed
FIBER OPTIC CONNECTION Storz (other types optional)
CONNECTIONS Two connections 12v DC, 3A max for monitor and camera
One vAC power output (max. 5A)
Hand control
MATERIAL Aluminium casing
POWER SUPPLY 100 – 240v AC / 50/60 Hz
DIMENSIONS 150 x 120 x 290mm
WEIGHT 4,5 kg