The ROT-X-TRACT-LC is designed to accommodate up to eight (8) Corning Accelerated One-Step apparatuses. The Corning Accelerate One-Step extraction apparatus combines continuous liquid-liquid extraction and concentration into one step. A cold-finger condenser is used to reduce overall height to accommodate traditional laboratory hood specifications; however Allihn condensers can be substituted per customer request.
The hydrophobic membrane allows the organic solvent to circulate through the 1 liter sample bottle continuously until the extraction is complete. By incorporating a stop-cock assembly and 3-ball Snyder column, the Corning One-Step extractor can both extract desired analytes as well as evaporate solvent from the end by-product within the same cycle.
The Corning One-Step extractor comes with an electronic side control box which enables the operator to program specific bath temperatures and time cycles to stay in compliance with the designated methodologies.