Straightwire Simplified
Ins and Outs of Orthos
Orthos is derived from computer-aided anatomical analysis of hundreds of orthodontic cases and is the first computer-engineered coordinated system of brackets and wires. The precision bracket geometries and a coordinated arch form are designed to eliminate the common challenges of everyday treatment, reducing the need for compensating wire bends and delivering quality results from crown to root tip.
Coordinated Archwire System
The bio-engineered geometries of the Orthos appliance are designed to work specifically with the industry’s first coordinated archwire system. Although the arch form may seem unorthodox, it reflects programmed compensations like low-profile anteriors, tooth-specific in/outs, and improved molar torque. The combination delivers finishing precision heralded by the world’s most demanding clinicians. The Orthos arch form comes in a full complement of sizes, alloys and configurations to treat all your cases effectively and efficiently from start to precision finish.Orthos* Marking System
All brackets are color-coded by quadrant.
Upper right—Blue
Upper left—Black
Lower right—Red
Lower left—Yellow
The dimple or paint mark is on the distogingival tie-wing unless otherwise noted.
Upper and lower 2nd bicuspids have dimples/paint on both gingival tie-wings.
Upper centrals are wider than upper laterals.
The lower laterals, cuspids and bicuspids also feature a scribe line on the occlusal tie-wing.
Because of the specificity of the Orthos appliance, there are no universal brackets.
Orthos lower laterals with CIS have a permanent I.D. dot on the distogingival tie-wing, with the appropriate color.