VERIGAS consists of ONE digital command unit and TWO different bells which perform TWO different tests: EASYGAS – samples the compressed gas in the cleanroom - VERITEST – checks the level of precision of the flow rate in all microbiological air samplers
It works with 100 l/m only
Flow rate regulation requested before sampling
It doesn’t work with ASPI GAS CHAMBER, but the air sampler is always required
It works with any air samplers 100 l/m
Suitable for Compressed air and Nitrogen
Calibration certificate every year
Inlet gas pressure 1 - 6 BAR
VERIGAS is a complementary instrument for TRIO.BAS Microbial Air Sampler
The system VERIGAS (EASYGAS+VERITEST) works by measuring the pressure’s variation generated by air sampler while air is aspirated through a bell-shaped aspirating chamber (in stainless steel for EASYGAS and in technopolymer for VERITEST) applied to the head of the sampler. A differential pressure sensor measures that variation and compares it with the reference values.
For EASYGAS the gas or air flow from compressed supply is regulated by the connected digital control unit which works as a flow meter before passing through the microbial sampler.
For VERITEST the result appears at the end of the test. Displayed on the control unit as: OK (the air sampler is still calibrated), or WARNING or ERROR (the air sampler is not calibrated within calibration specifics)
The EASY GAS checks that product contact air is contamination free within sterile or aseptic manufacturing facilities like Cleanroom
Any air sampler is easily and aseptically connected to the output of compressed gas