Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) can cause human genital infections, of which 40 types are known. Specifically high-risk HPV type can lead cervical cancer, and also other type can cause various disease such as larygeal papillomatosis or warts.
HPV LBMA is designed to 32 types of HPVs(high-risk and low-risk HPV) including high-risk and low-risk fast and accurately bases on liquid bead microarray platform using PCR cycler and Luminex® analyzer. Target DNAs are amplified by One Tube Nested (OTN) and asymmetric PCR technology (refer to HPV PCR Kit (Cat no. IFMR-01), and it bind with dual fluorescence of different ratio within microbead. The targets are detected through the laser and analyzed using the proprietary program automatically and accurately.
Multplex PC & Liquid Bead MicroArray (LBMA) platform
Detection of the genotype of 19 types of high risks and 13 types of low risks at once with Luminex instrument
Easy-to-use system: Unique analyzing program to analyze the HPV test result
High accuracy & High throughput system
CE-IVD / Ministry Food and Drug Safety (Korea) approved