Positional treatment of snoring
Non-invasive device
Product available in two size ranges: S/M/L or XL/XXL
Product description
Oscimed's electronic anti-snoring and apnoea belt is one of the innovative accessories designed to combat snoring and sleep apnoea. This electronic position therapy device helps to maintain lateral posture during sleep, which is essential for preventing snoring and positional apnoea.
Snoring and sleep apnoea, the influence of posture
Snoring and sleep apnoea are often influenced by the way you sleep. position adopted during sleep. Sleeping on the back can aggravate these disorders and affect health, as this position causes tissues to collapse, obstructing the airways. For people suffering from positional apnoea, the use of a positionally adjustable device can improve breathing by encouraging them to adopt a lateral, comfortable posture.
Solutions such as PPC masks or CPAP are often offered to patients suffering from severe apnoea that affects their health. These products provide continuous airway pressure during sleep, preventing blockages. However, non-invasive positional alternatives, such as belts or pillowsFor milder cases, it may be preferable to opt for a more comfortable solution. Do not hesitate to seek medical advice from a health professional.
Positional devices help patients maintain an ideal posture to avoid airway obstruction, while the PPC/CPAP products are essential for more serious cases, ensuring a constant flow of air during sleep. Using these products improves the comfort and effectiveness of apnoea and snoring treatments.