Precise drilling enabled by computer-aided implant planning, simulation, and custom surgical guide template
Quick Surgery
Flapless surgery, no need for incision and suture and possible to place implant with only 2-4 drilling steps
Beyond the Limit
Open Guide enables easy entrance of drill into the guide template for Patients with limited intermaxilary space
3D Static Guided Surgery for Outstanding Surgical Precision and Convenience
This keyless guided surgery kit is designed to be as simple and as safe as possible. Featuring several precise drilling tools and guide development from Osstem Implant, this kit allows for more accurate, efficient and safe surgery with minimal error and drill heating.
Shortened drilling steps to implant placement by adopting Taper 122 concepts
Possible to implant posterior teeth in spite of interocclusal space limitation through side open guide
Reduced drill vibration for precise drilling
Faster surgery without worrying about overheating
Innovation 1.
Shortened drilling steps to implant placement by adopting Taper 122 concepts
Possible to place implant after only 2-4 drills depending on bone quality
Innovation 2.
Possible to implant posterior teeth in spite of interocclusal space limitation through side open guide
As the drill is inserted through side window according to patients oral status, possible to solve interocclusal space limitation
Required interocclusal space: OneGuide-30mm, Conventional guide-51mm
Available to choose open or closed sleeve guide if required
Innovation 3.
Reduced drill vibration for precise drilling
Initial drilling : Precise drilling as the drill can be contacted with guide area within 3mm.