EXA-PRESTO is the cutting-edge peripheral Double X-ray Absorptiometry (pDXA) device with the low level of radiation. It is specially designed for an easy and swift diagnosis of osteoporosis with the better accessibility and comfort. Its unique and sophisticated feature represents the emotion of female patients.
Accurate Cone Bean DXA Technology
EXA-PRESTO’s DXA technology enables you to diagnose your patient accurately and quickly.
Short Scanning Time and Minimal Radiation
Using cone beam DXA technology, EXA-PRESTO helps you to diagnose accurately with a short scanning time and the minimal level of radiation
Precise BMD Results for Forearm
A specially designed hand positioner offers your patient with a better position depending on his/her length of the arm and increases the precision of the BMD result.
Easy Operation and User-Friendly Interface
An easy operation and user-friendly interface maximize the convenience of the patients and support them to take an efficient follow-up examination and treatments.