High operating and wearing comfort
Lightweight yet stable goggles
Highly precise & future-proof
KIT, caloric and position/bearing tests with one pair of goggles!
Comfortable to wear and Stably fixed in front of the eye!
High-quality silicone eye fit solves the conflict
between painfully squeezing glasses and slipping large glasses
Video head pulse test
The video head impulse test speeds up balance diagnostics enormously: the side-separated examination of the horizontal arcade is easily possible in three minutes. In addition, it allows the examination of the diagonal arcades in the RALP and LARP plane just as quickly. The vKIT is used to examine the function of the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR):
The patient is asked to fixate on a gaze target.
The examiner then impulsively turns the patient's head a small distance in one direction and remains there.
With an intact VOR, the patient is able to compensate for this head impulse with the eye and the gaze target remains focused. The exact comparison of head and eye movement thus proves the function of the arcades.
The recording (see below) shows the increase and decrease of the head speed over time in black and the respective opposite eye movement (red and blue). If the maxima are opposite each other, the eye has correctly compensated for the rotation of the head. A lower speed of the eye movement with subsequent (hidden or open) compensation saccades indicates a limited function of the respective arcade.
Video nystagmography (calorics)
You can perform the classic balance test particularly easily and clearly by warm/cold irrigation and recording of the nystagmus reaction.