The microprocessor-controlled C-Brace takes freedom of movement to a completely new level. The C-Brace is the first-ever KAFO that allows users to flex their leg under load (in order to sit down, for example), and to navigate slopes, walk on uneven terrain, or descend stairs step-over-step. And the C-Brace has even more to offer. It’s smaller, so it can also be worn under clothing; and it’s lighter, so the user doesn’t need to exert as much effort when walking. Advanced sensor technology makes the entire gait pattern even more dynamic and responsive. The user can also change settings on their joint, e.g., switching to cycling mode, via a smartphone app.
custom configuration with smart control
New freedom of movement
The C-Brace allows users to experience a whole new world of movement. Users can walk slowly or quickly, navigate slopes or uneven terrain, avoid trip hazards, descend stairs step-over-step, or flex the leg while it’s under load.
Small and lightweight
The new C-Brace® is small enough to be worn inconspicuously under clothing. Because it’s lightweight, the user expends less effort while walking.
Enhanced safety while walking
The C-Brace responds in real time. This makes users feel safe even when they face potential trip hazards – because they can take steps or sit down with the knee flexed, and can also walk on uneven terrain or slopes.