Andor’s new iXon Life EMCCD (Electron Multiplying CCD) platform is available exclusively for fluorescence microscopy applications and is engineered to deliver single photon sensitivity with absolutely unparalleled price/performance.
Single photon sensitivity
Back-illuminated > 95% QE
Fast frame rates
Unique price/performance
The ultimate detector for single molecules
Now with SRRF-Stream super-resolution
iXon Life represents a way to access, quite simply, the ultimate detector technology for single molecule biophysics and low-light live cell microscopy, in a distinctly budget friendly format.
Now available with NEW SRRF-Stream technology, converting most modern conventional microscopes into a real time superresolution microscope, for imaging live and fixed cells with low excitation intensities and without the need for specialised photoswitchable fluorophores (e.g. works with GFP).
Single Photon Sensitive & > 95% QE - Optimal SNR in light starved applications such as single molecule detection and quantum physics.
NEW ‘SRRF-Stream’ (optional) - Real time, cell super-resolution functionality. Living and fixed cells, works on most modern fluorescence microscopes. Super-resolution down to 50nm.
Overclocked readout speeds - s Follow dynamic changing processes.
Crop Mode - Continuous imaging with fastest possible frame rate from centrally positioned ROIs. Highly enabling for live cell super-resolution and much more (e.g. 251 fps with 256 x 256 ROI).
TE cooling to -80°C - Elimination of dark current detection limit.
Superior Baseline Clamp and EM Stability - Essential for quantitative accuracy of dynamic measurements