Imaris for Core Facilities is our recommended image analysis software package for microscopy facilities, larger labs and multi-user environments. Imaris is the market-leading visualization and analysis software for widefield, confocal (including spinning disk), light sheet, two-photon, electron microscopy, CLEM, OPT and many other modalities with over 4,000 publications in 2020 alone. Imaris for Core Facilities provides smart detection and visualisation of complex objects, tracing of neurons, blood vessels and other filamentous structures, 3D tracking (including cell division detection), interactive plotting and batch analysis.
3D Microscopy Image Analysis
The power of Imaris for Core Facilities lies in our multiple detection models and the versatility they provide for all users and their research problems. Our 4 models (Spots, Surfaces, Cells and Filaments) can be harnessed to detect and analyse almost all biological samples, including cells, nuclei, nucleoli, bacteria, viruses, organs, neurons, dendritic spines, blood vessels and many more. Using them in combination alongside Imaris’ other tools opens the possibility to analyse dynamics of objects over time as well as their relationships with other objects in the image and to present these data in an elegant and informative fashion.
Quantitative Image Analysis for 3D Microscopy
After detecting and segmenting the image data as objects using one of the 4 models, Imaris calculates a wide range of statistics.
Image Analysis for Everyone
All users of your facility will experience the simplicity of the Imaris software while using our wizard-driven smart workflows and software hints.