Hypoxia Incubator:
Authentic hypoxia chamber in a bench-top workstation
Compact and portable
Regulated using oxygen partial pressure for true hypoxia
Mimics the in vivo oxygen state
Rapid equilibration and frugal gas consumption
HEPA filtration as standard
Ergonomic design
Intuitive touch-screen operation
Supports OxyLite™ for in situ dissolved oxygen measurements
Optional miniature digital microscope
In the field of tissue culture, there is a rapidly growing need for systems capable of creating precise, reproducible and physiologically relevant cell environments deemed vital for accurate analysis of cellular processes with respect to function and metabolism.
In order to accurately reproduce physiological conditions in cell-based research, a ‘contamination-free’ workstation offering precise and continuous control of oxygen, carbon dioxide gas, temperature and humidity is required. Rising to this challenge, Oxford Optronix has developed the HypoxyLab™ - a unique, fully-featured, ergonomically engineered and easy to use hypoxic workstation that provides a highly stabilised HEPA-filtered environment in which levels of oxygen, carbon dioxide, temperature and humidity are all precisely controlled.
In short, HypoxyLab™ is a compact hypoxia workstation and incubator for everyday use.
General fields of applications for the HypoxyLab therefore include:
Cancer, radiation and apoptosis cell biology
Stem cell research
Human virology research
Multidisciplinary drug development and proteomics