These chambers are designed and manufactured to attend injured divers who require to be treated in a recompression chamber. They can also be used to treat patients with medical problems or pathologies and their pressurization can reach up to 6 ATA (Atmospheres).
In these hyperbaric chambers for divers use patients can breathe compressed air or medical oxygen indifferently according to internationally established tables. In this type of hyperbaric equipment we have a series of small simple and easy-to-ship equipment, as well as in the larger diameter equipment, with all the internal comforts such as the multiplace chambers for medical use.
This chamber can be installed inside a container transformed into a hyperbaric room or be shipped to support diving work in the sea. We also have fixed installation models up to 2.10 mt.diamater.
Designated to simultaneously treatment to several patients from 4 up to 10 according to the model.
Internal folding seats that can be used for patient sitting or lying down.
Pressurized with breathable compressed air suitable for human use.
Supply of breathable compressed air composed for: air compressor type rotary screw, air dryer (only in places of excessive humidity) banks of compressed air and special filters.
The oxygen breathing system is composed of inhalers or individual masks (BIBS) with demand automatic regulators of inhalation and exhalation with automatic discharge of the exhalation of the patients to the exterior of the chamber. Hyperbaric hood can also be used.
Direct access of the medical and paramedical staff to patients through the antechamber, without alters or disrupts the treatment.