Treatment with Hyperbaric Oxygen is a type of non-invasive therapy. The patient breathes 100% oxygen calmly while remaining in a pressurized chamber at a pressure two or three times higher than ambient atmospheric pressure. It is the only therapy indicated in certain cases and in many others, it helps in the treatment of diseases and difficult clinical or surgical problems, apart from producing a revitalizing effect in all tissues.
The crux of treatment with hyperbaric oxygen lies in the feasibility of blood plasma (which is the liquid where red blood cells float) to allow the dilution of oxygen, increasing the concentration of this element ten to fifteen times, which produces a Four times greater increase in oxygen diffusion from the functional capillaries to the cells. All this regardless of the level of oxygen carried by the hemoglobin of the red blood cells remains the same, which is what normally happens to us when we breathe 24 hours a day.
Indications for application "Type I" (Accepted)
Radio necrosis of soft and osseous tissue.
Decompression sickness.
Acute poisoning by carbon monoxide (CO) and smoke.
Acute gas embolism.
Gas gangrene.
Anaerobic and/or bacterioid infection.
Refractory osteomyelitis.
Aerobic and/or anaerobic flora infections on tissues.
Compromised skin flaps or grafts.
Refractory Mycosis(zygomycosis and actinomycosis).
Acute cerebral edema.
Anemia produced by acute hemorrhage.
Crush and compartment syndromes.
Wounds Cicatrization.
Tissue damaged by radiation.
Intrabdominal and intracranial abscesses.
Indications for application "Type III" (In study)
Guillain Barré syndrome.
Peripheral facial paralysis.