OXYMAT’s solution for oxygen backup and filling for medical patients. With this product we take away complexity in the field.
It has never been easier to start up the unit and provide a full backup line for an emergency facility and on top of this cylinder
filling for external areas not covered by the pipeline.
The product consists of a control panel, 15 high-pressure cylinders, oxygen booster, vacuum pump and backup system. All
functions are built into one plug and play unit for continuous oxygen supply. Together with the OXYMAT MDD PSA system this
product makes the user an independent producer of low- and high-pressure medical oxygen.
This offers you a possibility to start your emergency health care facility within 3 days after arrival on the site, offering oxygen
cylinder filling. A few days later you can connect an intensive ward with the first flowmeters at bed side connected straight
to this unit via the OXYMAT pipeline system. Within a few weeks on site, we have piped up to 100 beds, and the unit can be
used for cylinder filling providing oxygen to satellite health care facilities while maintaining its backup function.
It is an ideal solution for fast emergency response. OXYMAT highly recommends the use of pipeline in combination with
cylinder filling to lower running costs on spare parts and diesel.
The unit is delivered together with the OXYMAT MDD PSA system.