TITAN-PORT V-UA is a totally implantable port catheter system for venous implantation consisting of a titan chamber (port) with a self-sealing silicone membrane and a screw closure mechanism which enables the connection with the respective polyurethane catheter.
Each system also includes a special puncture cannula SFN 0930 G, a refill cannula, a vein lifter, an introducer set, this instruction for use and an implant card.
The introducer set consists of a 0.46 mm guide wire, an introducer syringe, a 20 G introducer cannula, a 6 F dilator and a disposable scalpel. Please observe the enclosed separate instructions for use.
This port system is designed to allow the flattest possible implantation, e.g. on an extremity, preferably the upper arm, forearm (however, in the case of the forearm, note the increased movement of the catheter and slightly increased risk of thrombosis and catheter rupture because it lies further peripherally) or with relatively little subcutaneous tissue. Implantation is also possible via the subclavian vein.
The TITAN PORT V-UA ensures the repeated access to the central venous vascular system for the following applications, e.g.:
for long-term treatment of cytostatics agents and other “aggressive” medications
patients with poor peripheral veins requiring frequent intravenous injections
for infusion therapy
for parenteral nutrition
for HIV patients
for venous blood sampling
for blood transfusions
The advantage is a low risk of infection, simplified access and considerably improved quality of life for the patient as provided by a closed system.
Patient group: Patients with the need for long-term central venous access to the vascular system.