Portable: battery, Bluetooth and rugged housing
Available with connection module for sensor cable or SPE
Potential range ±3 V
Max. current ±30 mA
Optional impedance analyzer: 10 μHz up to 200 kHz
The EmStat4R delivers desktop performance in a rugged enclosure. The EmStat4R is a portable Battery or USB-powered Potentiostat, Galvanostat, and optional a Frequency Response Analyzer (FRA) for Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). The EmStat4R is great for applications that require low currents, from 30 mA down to picoamps, such as sensor applications. The EmStat4R is controlled with PSTrace for Windows, the Android app PStouch, or you can write your own MethodSCRIPT and control it from any platform or operating system.
Two versions
The EmStat4R is available with a cell cable or SPE connection module. Both versions can be configured with optional EIS/FRA with a maximum frequency of 200 kHz. See specifications for more information.
Portable: battery, Bluetooth and rugged housing
Standard included
A standard EmStat4R includes a rugged carrying case with:
Rugged case
Cell cable: high quality, double-shielded cable with 2 mm banana connectors for Working, Counter, Reference electrode and Ground
4 crocodile clips
Dummy Cell
PSTrace software for Windows (on USB drive)
Manual (hardcopy)
Quick Start document
Calibration report
Three year warranty
Voltammetric techniques
Linear Sweep Voltammetry (LSV)
Cyclic Voltammetry (CV)
Fast cyclic Voltammery (FCV)*
Amperometric techniques
Chronoamperometry (CA)
Zero Resistance Amperometry (ZRA)
Chronocoulometry (CC)
MultiStep Amperometry (MA)