4 to 10 channels available in different configurations
FRA / EIS: 10 μHz up to
1 MHz
9 current ranges: 100 pA to 10 mA
potential range: ±5 V or
±10 V
The MultiPalmSens4 is a flexible multi-channel potentiostat, galvanostat and impedance analyzer which you can fully tailor to your requirements and budget. The MultiTrace software allows for using each channel individually or simultaneously or running a sequence of automated tasks on each channel. Each channel provides an additional auxiliary port for controlling peripherals or monitoring temperature or other analog signals.
Configure your ideal multi-channel potentiostat
Each channel can be configured with:
±5 V or ±10 V maximum potential range
EIS/FRA with maximum frequency of 100 kHz or 1 MHz
Bipotentiostat module for second WE
Galvanic isolation
Synchronizing channels in Synched mode
By enabling synchronization of channels and adjusting the setup of your cables, you can use the MultiPalmSens4 as a polypotentiostat. This means you can use multiple working electrodes, one counter and one reference electrode in the same cell at the same time. Your working electrodes all perform the same measurement.
Voltammetric techniques
Linear Sweep Voltammetry (LSV)
Cyclic Voltammetry (CV)
Fast Cyclic Voltammetry (FCV)
AC Voltammetry (ACV)
Pulsed techniques
Differential Pulse Voltammetry (DPV)
Square Wave Voltammetry (SWV)
Normal Pulse Voltammetry (NPV)
Amperometric techniques
Chronoamperometry (CA)
Zero Resistance Amperometry (ZRA)
Chronocoulometry (CC)
MultiStep Amperometry (MA)
Fast Amperometry (FAM)
Pulsed Amperometric Detection (PAD)