Capable of EIS up to 200 kHz
Built around the EmStat Pico module
Potential range -1.7 to +2 V
Current ranges 100 nA – 5 mA (max ±3 mA)
Can be used without PC or smartphone connection
The Sensit BT is ideal for electrochemical sensor applications. The Sensit BT connects via Bluetooth to your smartphone or tablet and controlled via the Android app PStouch. You can use the USB-C port to charge the Sensit BT or connect to a classic USB port on your PC and control the Sensit BT via our PC software PSTrace.
The Sensit BT supports most common electrochemical techniques, including Cyclic
Voltammetry, Square Wave Voltammetry and Impedance Spectroscopy (FRA/EIS).
Dual-channel and Bipotentiostat
The Sensit BT.SPE can be used for running sequential measurements on two different Screen-Printed Electrodes (SPE’s) each with their own Reference, Counter and Working electrodes.
The second channel can also be used in Bipotentiostat mode, functioning as second Working Electrode versus the Reference and Counter electrode of channel 1. Both working electrodes are recorded simultaneously in the Bipotentiostat mode.
The Sensit BT.SNS has a lead connected to the WE of channel 2 and can be used out-of-the-box for BiPotentiostat measurements.
On-board data storage
The Sensit BT is equipped with 500 MB internal storage memory.
Save measurements on-board as a backup. Or pre-program the device with a script and use the trigger button to run and store measurements: no need to connect a PC or smartphone. Browse and transfer all internally stored measurements back to the PC easily using PSTrace for Windows.
Voltammetric techniques
Linear Sweep Voltammetry (LSV)