METABOLISM software is the last element of the chain of components of the Panlab OXYLET,FOOD and DRINK and PHYSIOCAGE systems. METABOLISM allows the extraction of the data obtained from these Panlab devices as well as the calculation of important parameters for physiological studies. A combined evaluation of the respiration metabolism, food/drink intake, spontaneous activity and rearing is then rendered possible by the use of this very simple and easy-to-use software.
METABOLISM consists in different modules, activated upon customer request:
METAOXY -> for O2/CO2 metabolism studies (Including Treadmill based studies).
METAINT -> for Intake studies
METAACT -> for activity studies (Including Rearing)
The program gets data in digital form from the Panlab devices. METABOLISM can also import and convert analogical data from the *.txt files generated by Data Acquisition Systems (PowerLab® recommended).
Gathered data can be processed and re-processed using different time intervals of calculation. The program displays a Data Table which can be saved in Excel format for further analyses.
Homecage (Physiocage) and Treadmill experiments
Modular software
Runtime viewers and charts for real time monitor
Calculates data in user-defined intervals of time
Numeric data table and plots available during data acquisition and analysis
Meal pattern analysis