Panlab NIPB system provides an easy and reliable technique to measure systemic blood pressure and cardiovascular parameters in rodents without any invasive catheterization.
The system is composed of a NIBP control unit, pressure cuff & pulse transducer, a heater, restrainers and optional software options. Different models of these components are available depending on the experiment request.
The pulse signal level (heart rate) is permanently monitored on the LCD display of the NIBP control unit while an internal pressure transducer is constantly measuring the current pressure applied on the cuff. Measurement process involves several steps which are performed automatically; systolic and diastolic blood pressure and calculated mean blood pressure are visualized in real-time in the digital display of the control unit. With regards to the systolic pressure, it can be achieved either once the heart pulse disappears or else when the first pulse reappears (user selectable) after the occlusion process.
All NIBP units can be indistinctly used for rats, mice or dogs, using specific pulse transducers & cuff. A built-in air pump ensures automated cuff inflation/deflation at constant and even rate. In order to avoid deterioration of the animal’s tail after submitting animals to unnecessary high occlusion pressures, the automated deflation is carried out for each animal and separately, once their own systolic value is reached. Real values (without linear regression calculation) are thus achieved while remaining easily traceable when using the NIBPChart option.