Locking handle design, can be used in one hand operation
Gap control System, ensures the staple perfect B shape formation from proximal to the distal end
Blade protector and crtridge safety lockout:
White plastic protector covers blade before and after reloading unit fired, which prevents
surgeon or assistant cutting fïnger on reloading unit blade. Authentic disposable blade, ensures effective cutting, reduces damage on tissue, avoids cross contamination
Adjustable firing knob: Ability to fire from either side of stapler, flexible and easy to use
New blade with each cartridge: Guarantees effectively
cutting, reduces tissue trauma, avoids cross contamination
Floating reloading unit design:The reloading unit floats above the edge of the fork before
closing the stapler fully, avoids mis-firing
Atraumatic extra grip.
Tissue effectively held in the jaws
Reduced firing force
Uniform and consistent
staple line
Less slippage with each firing
Complete stapling and transection line
Saving cost