Universal, Dual-Cure Composite for All Your Restorative Needs
A dual-cure composite that can be used to fill any size cavity preparation, all the way up to the occlusal surface, without any need for additional layering. From large Class V’s to four surface posterior restorations, there are no limits to what you can do with Predicta® Bioactive Bulk.
Predicta Bioactive Bulk is bioactive and releases calcium and phosphate ions and releases and recharges fluoride ions to stimulate mineral apatite formation and remineralization at the material-tooth interface.
Dual-cure for unlimited depth of cure
Fluorescence for a more natural appearance
Multiple viscosities and shades
Highly radiopaque
Indicated for Class I, II, III, IV, and V restorations
Strong and durable to withstand occlusal forces
Highly polishable
Nanohybrid versatility
What is Bioactivity?
Bioactivity is known in the field to equate to stronger bonds between the restoration and tooth, penetration and filling of micro-gaps, reduction in sensitivity, guard against secondary caries, and the sealing of margins against microleakage.
How to Choose the Right Viscosity
Parkell offers Predicta® Bioactive Bulk in a variety of viscosity options to best fit your procedures and preferences.
Regular Viscosity (High Viscosity) is ideally suited for clinical situations when placing larger restorations, where stability is desirable and material drift is not.
LV (Low Viscosity) is recommended for more conservative preps, where the ability to flow and self-level into tighter spaces is preferred for better adaptation of hard-to-access prep margins and line angles.