Strong adhesion to temporary prostheses.
Low viscosity allows complete seating of temporaries.
Translucent shade blends well with crown and tooth margins.
Automix syringe and dual-cure capabilities reduce chairside time
Eugenol free.
1) 5ml automix syringe
(10) mixing tips.
Resin-based dual-cure E.T.C. is reliably strong and incredibly simple. All you have to do is express E.T.C. from the automix syringe right into the crown and seat it. If you’re using Parkell’s Brush&Bond® to protect the prep from sensitivity and recurring caries, just apply a thin layer of lubricant (e.g., Vaseline® or K-Y® Jelly) to the majority of the coronal portion of your crown prep before you use E.T.C. cement. The lubricant will prevent the cement from permanently bonding to the Brush&Bond, but will also provide a retentive, leak-proof collar around the margins. Once the crown is seated, light-cure the marginal excess and begin your clean-up. E.T.C. is a snap to clean up around the temp.BESIDES ITS STRONG ADHESIVE CAPABILITIES, WHAT ELSE MAKES E.T.C. SUCH A VERSATILE TEMPORARY CEMENT?
Esthetics: When dealing with anterior teeth, appearance really does matter. E.T.C. blends in beautifully with nearly any tooth and crown shade.
Eugenol-free: E.T.C. is a non-eugenol resin cement, so it won’t compromise the integrity of a bisacryl or acrylic temp like ZOE-based cements can, nor will it inhibit the set of the bonding agent and cement when you are ready to seat the definitive prosthesis.