The pco.labview sdk is built as set of libraries. It contains sub VIs and integrates the functions of pco.sdk, pco.recorder and ColorConversion into the LabVIEW application development system.
With pco.labview sdk you have easy examples for camera initialization, control and image acquisition on hand. Also, you will find examples for color conversions. These are currently being applied for example in pco.camware. Now it is also possible to use them within LabVIEW.
All PCO cameras run with full performance (maximum fps). Furthermore, all PCO streaming and RAM cameras are supported.
The API allows managing several PCO cameras connected to a computer at once. This makes it very simple for you to develop your own LabVIEW applications.
The new pco.Camera class is now implemented in the pco.labview software development kit. This high-level class handles the entire communication between the camera and the recording. The class has full access to the underlying pco.sdk and pco.recorder libraries. Read the manual for further information.