qPCR as an approach to detecting and simultaneously quantifying pathogens is the method of choice given its advantages in speed, sensitivity and clear cut answers/scoring when compared with other classical methods.
To define the exact quantity of your particular species of interest the kit has included a positive standard curve and an internal extraction control to eliminate the possibility of false negatives.
PCRmax work closely with key opinion leaders in the qPCR world to define the best possible target sequences and at the same time ensuring the kits have the broadest possible detection profile to capture all clinically relevant strains and subtypes
150 tests per kit: exceptional cost per data point
Positive copy number standard curve for accurate quantification
Rapid detection of all clinically relevant subtypes
Highly specific detection profile with high efficiency priming
Broad dynamic detection range (>6 logs)
Sensitive to < 100 copies of target
Multiple control types to simplify results
Simple protocol
All contents lyophilised for simply transport and storage