i-FlowLab is a total laboratory on-site nitrogen gas solution for customers with high flow demands or high purity applications and is capable of delivering a consistent & reliable supply of gas on-demand.
Engineered based on robust PSA technology, i-FlowLab 6XX2 nitrogen generators are available in over 100 pre-configured specifications, designed to suit the full and varying demands of your facility, with flow rates ranging from 21-1236 L/min at purities up to 99.9995% (5ppm O2).
Modular & scalable, i-FlowLab is designed as a future-proof solution, with the ability to be expanded retrospectively, with the addition of CMS columns, in order to increase capacity and accommodate future growth in requirements.
i-FlowLab is an ideal complete laboratory solution for multiple applications, such as LC-MS, Sample Preparation, Gloveboxes and many more.
Cost effective, total laboratory nitrogen gas supply solution
Consistent & reliable, always available on-demand to meet application needs
Energy efficient, with low ongoing running costs & minimal maintenance
Scalable & future-proof design, with ability to expand capacity by adding more CMS columns
Safe and convenient, no more manual handling or on-site health & safety concerns
Verified industry standards compliance (EIGA, European Pharmacopoeia, JECFA & US FDA)
Build-in oxygen analyzer, for continuous, real time monitoring of nitrogen purity & quality
Optional purity safeguard, auto-bypass feature for purity critical applications
Take complete control of your costs & nitrogen gas requirements, by bringing your supply in-house