PEGISDAN is a decompressor medical center designed and manufactured by PEGISDAN at its headquarters in Madrid (Spain) according to UNE-EN-ISO 7396-1 / 10524 and NFPA-99-2015.
Different models
We have the following models of decompressors from 200 to 8 bars of medical gases: 75m3 / h, 35m3 / h and 16m3 / h, adapting to the needs of our customers. All of them are available for oxygen, protoxide, medicinal air, pneumatic air (8 bar), carbon dioxide and helium.
Automatic and pneumatic operation
Controlled through a control panel powered by the mains and with the possibility of an auxiliary battery to allow its operation in case of electric failure.
Accurate and versatile
Due to the introduction of a pressure translator and a digital pressure switch, it is the only center on the market to inform the customer if a ramp is exhausted or canceled. In addition, its design allows the ramp change to be carried out manually by the user.
Through a CAN bus network, the decompression control unit is linked to second reduction boxes and control boxes to control the entire installation from a central computer.