The Bed Side Wedges are used to help prevent someone from falling out of bed.
They are suitable for patients who need a reminder not to roll out of bed. It is possible that they may be an alternative to restraining for people suffering a proprioceptive* condition.
To Use
One set is fastened to the mattress so the Wedges are positioned to protect the patient from rolling off the edge, with the second set fastened lower down the bed to help prevent the patient’s legs and feet from moving off the edge of the mattress. After fitting both sets of wedges, the bed is made as normal, with the sheets and blankets placed over the wedges. The Wedges are in ‘sleeves’ and they can be easily removed when getting the patient out of bed.
The Wedges may be an alternative to:
Soft Bed Belt
Even though they are not a restraint, we recommend that they be approved and documented in the patient’s care plan. They can also be used with the bed rails and Zip-A-Beds to help prevent patients being trapped in the gap on the side of the bed. If necessary, a third set of wedges can also be used to cover more of the length of the bed.
Careful monitoring of the patient is needed as they can still get out of bed if they want to. The Pelican Bed Fall Mats (sold separately) may also be used with this product. These will help reduce or prevent injury if the patient does fall out of bed.
* Proprioceptive – relating to the nerve elements giving information about the movement or position of parts of the body.