This Stand Up Floor Alarm, along with the Stand Up Floor Lino Alarm, is one of the most recommended products in our alarm range for people getting out of bed. It generally gives the earliest warning of when someone is getting out of bed to try to walk. When someone goes to get out of bed, they can have their weight on the Stand Up Floor Alarm, setting that off, but they could still be sitting on the Stand Up Bed Alarm, not setting it off.
About the Stand Up Floor Alarm
The Stand Up Floor Alarm is placed on the floor next to the bed. It is normally placed on the side closest to the door or toilet. This is the side people generally get out of bed during the night. Once the patient stands on the mat, the alarm will be activated.
When placed correctly, this item should not be a tripping hazard. This is because part of the mat goes under the bed so that when the person steps out of bed, they are putting their feet close to the middle of the mat.
The length of the mat 136cm / 53.5″ and is designed so that it will fit between most bed legs. The cord length is 5m / 16ft.
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Sounding Alarm Box version and Nurse Call Version
There are two options with regard to the alarm alerting Carers: